We are so fortunate that our YMCA teachers, counselors, instructors and staff go above and beyond to support our children. You can make a special Staff Tribute gift in honor of a teacher, counselor, instructor or staff member to show your gratitude. Your teacher, counselor, instructor or staff member will receive an email letting them know you have made a donation in their honor and a special certificate keepsake. It will mean so much to them!
With this gift, you will not only be honoring your provider but also helping another family in need. At the Y, we believe that everyone deserves to have access to child care, programs and services found at the Y, no matter their financial situation. Your donation, in honor of a staff member here at the Y, will help another family experience the same service you experienced.
Thank A Staff Member Printable Card
Everyone loves a handwritten note of gratitude. Print this free card, write your note and send it back to the Y with your child. This is also a great way to get your child involved!
Click here to print a Thank You Card.